ECura’s Collaboration with Qifeng Village

Keyi Liu with cummunity leaders Zhongming Zhang(left) and Bingcui Wang (right). (photo by Tianyu Liu)
Keyi Liu and community leader Jifan Yang. (photo by Tianyu Liu)

Researcher Keyi Liu, on behalf of the ECura project team, signed a cooperation agreement with the community leaders of Qifeng Village at the end of November 2023 and established the Qifeng Village Folk Music Rescue Fund. Starting from August 2023, Keyi Liu conducted a three-month field investigation in Qifeng Village. After a thorough understanding of the village, she identified three community leaders for collaboration with the ECura project: Wang Bingcui, Zhang Zhongming, and Yang Jifan. Keyi Liu had multiple discussions with these leaders and village representatives about the details of the collaboration. The villagers unanimously agreed to use the fund to sponsor activities related to the preservation of Bai ethnic music and dance, thus encouraging greater participation in traditional music activities. During the fieldwork, Keyi Liu held several workshops teaching middle-aged and elderly villagers how to record short videos with smartphones and upload them to social platforms.


Bai villagers discuss the collaboration agreement with ECura

Collective Decision-Making is preferred approach within the Qifeng village, characterized by spontaneously organized gatherings that discuss various community affairs, fostering strong community cohesion. The ECura team respected this communal tradition by actively participating in these local decision-making processes (see following photo). During fieldwork, researcher Keyi Liu, along with three community leaders and other villagers, held multiple discussions concerning the details of the collaboration. The villagers showed considerable interest and support for the ECura project, appreciating the subsidies provided for community leader roles. Guided by principles of equality, voluntary participation, and shared responsibility, a consensus was reached to allocate these subsidies to support activities related to music and dance, as well as cultural revival efforts. This allocation aims to boost the villagers’ participation and enthusiasm in Bai ethnic music activities, thereby enriching the community’s cultural engagement.  

A group photo of Keyi Liu, community leaders and Bai village representatives in Qifeng.(photo by Tianyu Liu)
Bai villagers discuss the collaboration agreement with ECura

Workshops on Digital Skills

Researcher Keyi Liu conducted several workshops aimed at sharing middle-aged and elderly villagers how to use smartphones, to film videos, and to upload them to social platforms. This initiative not only demonstrated care for the older generations but also encouraged them to actively participate in preserving their cultural heritage. The workshops covered practical skills such as basic smartphone usage, video shooting, using social media platforms, and enabling accessibility features like senior modes. She also provided hands-on support during these gatherings, helping villagers practice these skills and offering technical support and solutions to ensure they could master the technology.

Thanks to the harmonious and shared democratic atmosphere within the community, we found that villagers freely exchanged knowledge about the digital skills they had mastered and those they were less familiar with, fostering a self-sufficient community ideal for the project. This is precisely what the ECura team hoped for. Additionally, the ECura project team provides long-term backup technology support and training to community members who are willing to become technicians to sustain these platforms.